Posted on Monday, September 4 2017 in Alex’s Construction News
In light of the recent traumatic weather events documented throughout the southern United States as well as the Oklahoma City area’s reputation for severe weather events we want to provide a little information that may be helpful to you when preparing for severe weather.
According to NOAA, 2016 was a record year for weather resulting in over $46 billion in damages; 2017, thanks to hurricane Harvey, looks to be one of the most expensive on record. Owning a home in the Oklahoma City area you know that severe storms develop out of nowhere. From strong winds, pelting rain and the occasional threat of a tornado damage to your home it is not an “if” as much as it is “when”. With that in mind, the experts at Alex’s Construction Company would like to provide you with a few things to look for after your home has gone through a severe storm.
Make Sure Everyone is Safe.
After a severe storm has passed it is natural to assume that the danger is over, but the real danger may have just begun for your Oklahoma City area home. First make sure that everyone that is home has been properly accounted for and is safe. Next make a quick visual inspection of the area and property to make sure that the storm did not cause a situation that may be immediate and life-threatening such as: fallen trees, downed power lines, broken gas pipes or water that appears dark or clouded. Be sure to contact the proper authorities immediately after you have left the home.
If everything is stable at your home, check on your neighbors (especially those that are elderly or handicapped) to make sure that they’re safe as well.
Call your Local Insurance Company
Reach out to your local insurance agent or agency as soon as possible. Most insurance agencies have established relationships with construction services that can help stabilize circumstances (such damage to the roof). Insurance claims can take time, so the sooner you get them involved the sooner life can get back to normal. Even if you don’t think there’s any damage to your home after a storm, letting the agency know will help the claim process if damage is found in the coming weeks after.
Perform a Visual inspection of the roof and exterior of your home
When it is safe to do so, visually inspect the roof and exterior of the home. Look for areas where the siding has been loosened or removed by the storm. Inspect the gutters looking for any signs of damage or that debris has clogged the gutters ability to drain. When inspecting the roof be sure to use extreme caution, the roof can be slick after a storm with debris and moisture; consider having an expert roofing service perform this inspection. Don’t forget to check the shed, swing set, fencing, deck, pool and gazebo for damage as well.
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Check all your electronics and appliances
Lightning does not need to directly strike your Oklahoma City area home to cause damage. Lightning strikes can cause damage even if they strike nearby or strike something that has a direct conductive source to your home such as: power lines, cable lines, water lines and phone lines.
After a storm, be sure to check every electronic device for damage.
Take time to think through the different devices that you have, while TVs and computers are easy to remember; printers, kitchen appliances and hairdryers are just as susceptible. Even the smallest overload can cause devices like smart phones and smart watches to become permanently damaged.
Documentation, documentation, documentation (before and after)
It may be strange to talk about documentation of your home and home furnishings after the storm, but this is when most people think about it… right? Truth is you should video your home, it’s condition and all the contents inside for proper documentation, aiding in the speed of your insurance claim. You should also keep your receipts in a safe, waterproof place and video serial numbers/ model numbers of all of your products and devices. While this might be, for some, a major process of documentation; it will totally pay off if your home should be damaged as a result of the storm.
After the storm is passed you will want to pull out your video camera or smart phone and video the damage. This too will help insurance investigators process claims more quickly as well as make it easier to remember the details when trying to think of what items were damaged. Sometimes an insurance adjuster may not be able to make it to the scene for a few weeks, in the meantime, clean-up efforts of your property have already began getting rid of identifiable evidence of what caused the damage.
Trust Your Local Experts
Alex’s Construction Company has been providing concrete related services to the Oklahoma City area for years. You will find our careful attention to detail, with an emphasis on craftsmanship, plays heavily into the final product. A locally owned and operated company you can trust that puts customer service and time honored craftsmanship together for an end result that you will be pleased to tell your friends and family about. Alex’s Construction Service prides itself on its customer satisfaction level and reputation that we hold with in the Oklahoma City community.